Thursday, December 6, 2012

Class Agenda 12-6

1. Return essays and glance through comments.

Issues: critical thinking strategies, introductions to sources, signal phrases from sources when citing research. 

2. Conduct Peer Review (with targets).

Underline all sentences that sound like they "explicitly" support the thesis. (To be explicit is to be really, really obvious.) If you find a thesis, write "thesis" in the margins of the paper.

3. Examine paragraphs from Monday. Review the main points that groups made. Write down a main point from one or some of the paragraphs in your notes.

Group Four

Dennis Group

Elane Group

Erjon Group

Kevin Group

Victor's Group

4. Let's add to those paragraphs by connecting key ideas from videos. These sources might be useful for essay assignment number two.

Two Degrees Warmer

Climate Debt


The Shock Doctrine

Sandy in Staten Island

Occupy Sandy Relief

5. Spend some time gathering notes that could introduce or summarize a source, and then spend some time connecting an idea from the video to an idea from Monday. Now work some of these ideas into the paper you're writing for assignment number three.

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