Assignment Three: Critical Thinking Essay

Due Date: Thursday, Dec 13th (mark syllabus)
Peer Review: Thursday, Dec 6th
Length: min. 3 pages


The goal of this assignment is for students to create arguments using evidence from Zeitoun, The Global Warming Reader, and at least two outside sources.


Students will select ONE of the following three topics and answer the main question they pose. They will show their mastery of all the parts of a college essay we've studied during the semester.

Topic One: Climate Debt and Reparation for Zeitoun

For this topic students will answer these mutually relevant questions: Does the United States government owe Zeitoun anything for his arrest and imprisonment, and, if so, should we see this "debt" in the general framework of climate debt as described in The Global Warming Reader and elsewhere in your research? Students should spend 2/3 of the essay answering the first question, using Zeitoun as evidence, and save their speculations on any connection to climate debt for a one-page conclusion.

NOTE: It's fine if students answer either of these questions in the negative, but in that case they will have to create an argument, using evidence, for why we should not see this debt as part of climate debt, and/or why the government does not owe Zeitoun anything.

NOTE: Students should research whether or not Zeitoun was ever compensated for his arrest, and, if so, whether or not you think it satisfies this "debt."

Topic Two: Climate Rage and Climate Denial 

For this topic students will answer these mutually relevant questions: Which arguments made by which groups will succeed in the next ten years: the ones that encourage climate denial, or the ones that advocate for climate debt?

As with the topic above, students will have to offer evidence from The Global Warming Reader and from Zeitoun, as well as from two outside sources. With Zeitoun, students will have to present evidence from the text that offers insights into how climate debt and climate denial appeared in the book.


For both topics, students should offer a short anecdote or story to begin their essay, and then segue into a 2-3 sentence thesis statement.

Students will have to offer relevant summaries of the texts they find for outside readers. They will also have to define their terms.

Since these essays will be relatively short, students should be able to compose two excellent paragraphs following the introduction, as well as an excellent conclusion that offers the best possible reasons and evidence to support their argument. In other words, students will offer what they believe to be their least persuasive reasons first, and build toward their best ideas.

Topic Three: Zeitoun and NDAA

For this topic, students will answer this question: is there a connection between what Zeitoun experienced and legalization of "indefinite detention" for all Americans in the 2011 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)? Students will have to explain their answer by comparing what aspects of Zeitoun's detention might match with particular aspects of the NDAA. Students will also explain whether or not they believe NDAA is justified or not by evaluating whether or not they believe it "right." They should use reasons backed up by evidence, but, in their conclusions, they may write about their "gut" feelings on it.

NOTE: Students may argue that there is no connection between Zeitoun's detention and the indefinite detention of the NDAA, but they will have to explain why that's the case using evidence.

1 comment:

  1. It’s great to see this useful information in your post… I hope that you will keep it up and Keep sharing more information with us…
    Critical Thinking Essay
