Thursday, November 29, 2012

Blog # 6: Quick Research

For this blog, students will spend some time researching and summarizing information related to their third essay. Each of the topics below matches the topics for the third essay.

Topic One

1. For students who choose topic one, they will research more about climate debt and "reparations" for Jews and potential reparations for slaves. While students should discover some basic information about the subjects using Wikipedia and other such sources, they should pick one source on climate debt that they want to relate to their readers. In their blog, students should spend some time explaining any connections they see between climate debt and reparations, and introduce their sources whenever necessary. Then, they should write a brief paragraph explaining whether or not Zeitoun's detention could qualify as a climate debt, and why.

Topic Two

2. For students arguing about the future of climate change, they should spend some time researching about climate debt, too. Who is making the arguments about climate debt? Is anyone arguing against it? What are the best parts of the climate debt arguments that these groups are making? What are the parts of their arguments that you believe need more thought? Why?

Topic Three

3. For students research NDAA and Zeitoun, they should spend some time researching NDAA. What is it? Who passed it? Who wrote it? Why was it passed? Who opposes NDAA? Why do they oppose it? After summarizing what information they're able to find, they should write a paragraph that discusses any connections between NDAA and what Zeitoun experienced. What was similar? Is anything different?

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