Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blogging the Library Visit


Let's talk about these words next week. We can use keywords to search, but we can also use them in our essays to help our critical thinking.

Boolean Machine

This can be a really helpful machine for finding the search results you want. Let's try this in class Monday when we have access to our lab.

The LaGuardia Library Homepage


Email a librarian!?!?!?!

Take advantage

Search tools

Go to "Research and Find" on the library homepage.

We really do need to go beyond Wikipedia and basic Google searches. This is why the library is so important - we must get to know "academic sources."

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Plug in Katrina into the search box.

Ok - a zillion searches. Now what? Under "Subjects" on the left-hand side of the page, click on "view more."

Now click on climate change. Whoa! Look at this:

Article , Work overview
Environmental Issues: Essential Primary Sources Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner .  Detroit: Gale, 2006. 
Magazine article By: Jeffery Kluger Date: October 3, 2005 Source: Kluger, Jeffery. "Global Warming: The Culprit? Evidence mounts that human activity is helping fuel these monster hurricanes." Time 166, no. 14 (October 3,... 

This might make a great source for a blog or paper...

Ok, starting over: 

Domain Names

Yup: .org is a lot different than .gov -- or .com!

Lexis Nexis

I love Lexis Nexis!

Newspapers v Academic Scholarship

Newspapers sell ads: they're corporate! Their point is to use the news to sell their readers on other things. This is why newspaper have a hard time being critical of corporations -- especially those that advertise in their papers!

Scholarship goes through "Peer Review." It means that other scholars have to approve it...and the information isn't designed to sell anything!

Academic Search Complete


Recommended to go to advanced search option. 


A short summary. Helps you make sure you're finding something relevant. 

MLA Citations

Wow - you can add the citation directly to your bibliography? Well, when you copy and paste the format often changes. 



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