Monday, October 1, 2012

Class Agenda 10-1

1. Go over the guidelines for the Peer Review.

2. Move into groups of three for Peer Review; follow guidelines.

3. Based on your peer review feedback, create a "to do" list for your revision on your blog.The blog can answer the following questions: What do I have to do for my revision? What is most challenging about this assignment? What do I want to be better at with this writing? What is my plan for finishing this essay?

4. Discuss short essay from 9-27, "“The Artificial Production of Carbon Dioxide and Its Influence on Temperature."

Our discussion will focus on three skills:

* finding the main ideas necessary for a summary
* finding a "direct quote" we may want to include in our first essay assignment
* learning the basics for how to put a "direct quote" into a sentence

5. If we have time, we will turn to the reading from They Say I Say and Zeitoun. Students should note that we will begin discussing our reading from both these texts in detail on Thursday. By Thursday, students should have read up to page 40 in Zeitoun and page 29 in They Say I Say, as we see on the syllabus.

6. NOTE & REMINDER: Students must "tweet" about Zeitoun this week at least twice for full Twitter points.

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