Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Extra Credit: Direct Quotes

The first three students to post here (as a "comment") a successful example of a direct quote from their first essay (the letter to Bloomberg) will receive +3 on their final essay grade.


  1. Carbon dioxide(CO2) traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere and "evaporating" our coal mines into the air would raise the Earth's temperature by 5 or 6 degrees celsius(Callendar, 33).

  2. In a Tv documentary, critics showed that certain information we know about global warming has been "falsified" and the heat is not for CO2 in the atmosphere(Starglider, thebiggestsecret.org).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. On the one hand, some argue that Instead of “planning to be flooded,” the city, state and federal agencies should be investing in protection like sea gates that could close during a storm and block a surge from Long Island South and the Atlantic Ocean into the East River and New York Harbor.(Global Warming Reader)

  5. Hi, thanks for playing "extra credit quotes." The first quote above about CO2 is wrong because of the comma in the citation.

    The second quote is wrong because for websites you just put the title of the website in the parentheses. See the LaGuardia library website...it's linked to on the blog...

    The third quote is wrong because the citation is "outside" the sentence (see the period?). Also, where in the Global Warming Reading is it from? Provide an author and a page number, not a title.

    Thanks for playing! Play again and win the points!

  6. New York City need to focus more on its subway system because it is extremely "vulnerable" (Navarro).

    1. I'm assuming that this is from a newspaper article...is the last name correct? Have you checked this blot post?


  7. On the one hand, some argue that Instead of “planning to be flooded” the city, state and federal agencies should be investing in protection like sea gates that could close during a storm and block a surge from Long Island South and the Atlantic Ocean into the East River and New York Harbor.(New York Times)

    1. Are you aware that the period comes BEFORE the citation in this example?

      Also, for newspaper articles are you supposed to just put the title of the paper?


  8. Officials say that adapting a city of "eight million people" to climate change is infinitely more complicated and that the costs must be weighed against the relative risks of flooding (New York Times)

    1. Now in this example there is no period at all...so it's not a sentence!

      Second question: is it necessary to quote a common fact? Remember, a quotation should use "special" language. You're quoting because the quote is better than a paraphrase or summary....

      Finally, check the paraphrase of your sentence after the quote...how different is it from the original? To check, write down how many of the same words you used...
