Friday, October 12, 2012

Class Activity Monday 10-15

1. Welcome Professor Kapetanakos! Please explain to the students that I'm very sorry I haven't returned yet from my trip to Ohio.

Now have the students go to the course blog page on their computers.

2. Announcement: Collect essays from students.

3. Announcement: Please observe that tomorrow is a "Thursday," and therefore the class will meet in E-129 as they normally would on Thursday (even though tomorrow is a Tuesday). Please observe there is no extra assigned reading for class tomorrow.

4. Announcement: Students that didn't Tweet last week lost, on average, 1-2 points off their end of semester grades. Failure to Tweet for an entire semester will drop students' grades an entire letter grade (A to B, B to C, C to D, etc).

5. In-class: Students should take the first half of class to finish the activity from class on Thursday. To do this, they should re-unite with their groups. Whatever they didn't finish they should turn in to Professor Kapetanakos.

6. In-class: Students or groups that finish the in-class activity should compose an in-class blog about Zeitoun until Professor Kapetanakos dismisses the class. The blog should answer the following question:

What have we learned about Zeitoun and Kathy from the book so far, and how do you think their personalities affected their decisions as Hurricane Katrina approached?

To answer this question, you will need to refer to specific passages in the book for evidence. Practice summary, paraphrase, direct quotation, and citation. Responses should be "blog length" (at least 200 words).

Students that don't finish the blogs or start them will have an opportunity to begin and finish for their fourth blogs, which will be assigned tomorrow.

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