Monday, October 22, 2012

Class Agenda 10-22

1. "Framing the Quotation"

Last week we worked on direct quotations and on moving between sources when writing paragraphs. Today, you will begin class by practicing the art of quotation with Zeitoun.

First, refresh yourself on quotations in They Say I Say pages 44-47. You will be quizzed on "framing" quotations in the next class.

Next, return to the Zeitoun reading from this past weekend (to page 144). Focus on a section of the text that offers new evidence about the personalities of either Zeitoun or Kathy. We're trying to consider how and why they made the decisions they did during and after Hurricane Katrina. Summarize the scene for readers of your blog: explain what's happening in the text and why you're focusing on the passage you chose.

Finally, offer readers a special "direct quote" that you believe offers interesting language for analysis. Using variations on the templates on 46-47 from They Say I Say, explain the importance of the language you used for evidence.

After re-reading, post this to your blog. 

2. "Doing research"

Your second assignment asks you to find evidence about the role money played for different groups during Hurricane Katrina. Today we're going to focus on the neighborhood of the Lower Ninth Ward. First, read up on the storm through the following links. Then, you will try and find some sources on your own for the essay. BE SURE TO TAKE NOTES!

Katrina aftermath

Drive through the Lower 9th

 Images of the storm

6 years after

Now conduct your own search. Reflect on what information you need. How will you find it? What terms will you search? Where will you search for it?

Also: see fourth blog assignment. 

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